Residual Haunting
Residual hauntings occur when something traumatic happens, such as a murder; negative energy leaves an imprint of the event. Like a recorded tape, it will play the events over and over and over again. The entities involved in this residual haunting are unaware of their surroundings. Residual hauntings are not intelligent hauntings because there is no interaction between you and the entity.
Poltergeist Haunting
Probably the most popular, a poltergeist is a spirit, usually mischievous and occasionally malevolent, which manifests its presence by making noises, moving objects, and assaulting people and animals. The term “poltergeist” comes from the German poltern, “to knock,” and geist, “spirit.”
Included in the most common types of poltergeist activities are the moving or throwing of objects, including large pieces of furniture; loud noises and shrieks; and vile smells. It seems that poltergeists have adapted to the development of technology. They are known to have caused interference in telephones and electronic equipment, and turning lights and appliances on and off. Some poltergeists are said to pinch, bite, hit, and sexually attack the living.
Generally poltergeist activity starts and stops abruptly. The duration of it may extend over several hours to several months; however, some cases have been reported to last over several years. The activity almost always occurs at night when someone is present. Typically this is the “agent,” an individual who seems to serve as a focus or magnet for the activity. In most cases, the agent is a factor, both those that seem paranormal or that may be caused by human PK. The agent is usually female and under the age of twenty going through puberty.
Demon Activity
Demons are entities that never had a mortal human form. Demons are pure energy entities. The main purpose of a demon is to cause chaos. Demons are deceivers and they seek out our destruction. Demon cases are extremely rare - They are described in three different ways.
1. As angelic, a being of beauty that will manipulate the person to commit something that is sinful or out of the ordinary.
2. Horrific, evil looking. Some people claim, they have seen demons that are incredibly hideous to look at.
3. Black mist, black fog, black shadow, black smoke.
Intelligent/Interactive Activity
Back to Einstein’s theory. As matter beings, we are all energy beings on the quantum level. We are made up of atoms and neutrons. As matter/energy beings we have intelligence. While we live, we have an energy aura that surrounds our living bodies. This aura is created by the millions of electrical currents that are created through our bodies. Our brains creates brain waves, a form of pure energy that is transmitting our thoughts, what we see, what we feel, etc.
When our mortal form dies, the aura that constantly surrounds our bodies, leaves our bodies. We lose 6 ounces on the instance of death. What is this 6 ounces? Perhaps it is energy leaving our body. Our soul. This energy, the aura, or you may even call it your soul, is carrying the information of what we used to be. If it can do this, then why couldn’t it also carry our intelligence? If it can carry our former intelligence of our previous life, then it should be able to interact with us intelligently. When we see this aura, we call it a ghost.
If this ghost is able to interact with us, is aware of us, can touch us, can communicate with us, then this is an intelligent/interactive haunting.
Shadow People
This is a type of haunting activity that has no real explanation and are different from ghosts. They are usually shapeless dark masses mostly seen with your peripheral vision. They are known to do things that are different from ghosts. They can move between walls, they have no human features, they wear no clothes. People who encounter them, have a feeling of dread. Clairvoyants that encounter Shadow People, say they do not feel they are human and consider them non-human.
Shadow People have no discernible mouth, noses or facial expressions. Some are seen as child sized dark humanoids. Some people say they seem to be made up of dark smoke or dark steam. At times when they move, they appear to be moving on an invisible track from one place to another, such as a toy train on a small scale railroad track. They have been seen to hop or what appears to be a strange dance. They are known to stare at the floor.
Two common types of Shadow People are the ‘hat man’, that looks like he or she is wearing a 1930s fedora hat and the ‘hooded figure’, which looks like the shadow person has a hood over their head. The hood and hat stand out as clothing, but otherwise, they are not wearing any clothing at all.
Doppelganger Haunting
These are extremely rare and a case example is best used to explain this.
Case example: German ghost hunting investigative team is called upon a doppelganger haunting activity to investigate.
The woman victim was standing on a street corner and with her peripheral vision saw the image of herself on a bus. The image of herself was staring back at her. One week later she again faced her doppelganger in a crowded mall, it stared at her and seemed to disappear amongst the mass of people. It wore the same clothes that she wore. One week later, she was diagnosed with cancer.
Doppelganger haunting activity is considered the evil twin, the harbinger of misfortune, the omen of death.
In most cases, the victim of this haunting activity is in danger with her immediate surroundings, her family or in some cases the victim themselves are in grave danger of illness or death.
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